Monday, March 21, 2011

The 'Mohammedan' misnomer

‘Mohammedan’ – the word the many muslims might have come across and then might have thought to themselves “hey, whats that???” Well that’s because the more common (now) and correct way of addressing, that is, Muslim, is not being used and instead a word concocted by (former) westerners is used (by the way, ‘Muslim’ is always easier to pronounce than ‘Mohammedan’, believe me!! Try it...)

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Name is Khan - A Muslim Viewpoint

It was last year during our BEE tution classes when Wadgaonkar Sir, as he does with every batch, decided to show us a movie. We knew that before hand and so we were’nt surprised, but chosing which film to watch was a tough job for sir. Finally it was decided that the students may decide among themselves which movie they would like to watch, and Sir would unhesitantly provide us the tickets.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The New Year...

Come December, and the whole world is off in anticipation of the new year. Of course, the new years brings to things, well, almost everywhere!!! But what makes new year 'new'? Well, it's nothing more than the 'number' that makes it new. But the rituals and the new ways the world has adopted, makes new year actually a global festival. But whats the background of this new year, and why it starts with January? Well, as always, it again relates itself to Romans!!! 

Explanation regarding Kaaba

The questions related to kaaba are one of the main questions that non muslims ask the muslims. It includes questions about our bowing in the direction of Kaaba, and also of the black stone. Here I am providing the simple answers to the question. Further details can be found on the net as well.